Flexible AC Current Clamp
AFLEX-3001 AFLEX-3002
Flexible AC Current Clamp

- True RMS
- 3000A
- Voltage Measurement (AFLEX 3002 only)
- Fast peak function (39 μs for 50 Hz,33 μs for 60 Hz).
- Auto-Power-Off:30 minutes
AFLEX-3003 AFLEX-3005
Flexible AC Current Clamp

- True RMS (V and A)
- 3000 A
- Non-interrupted Harmonic Analysis ( V and A ) to the 50th Order in % and Magnitude
- Analysis of % THD-F and C.F.
- Fast Peak Function (33μs and 39μs)
- Programmable PT (1 to 250 )ratios
- Auto - Power - Off: 30 Minutes

Graphic Power Quality Analyzer

- Display of Overlapped Voltage and Current Waveform
- Maximum Demand (MD in W,KW,MW) with Programmable Period
- Harmonics Analysis ( V and I ) to the 50th Order
- Display of 25 Harmonics in One Screen with Waveform
- Analysis of Total Harmonics Distortion ( % THD-F )
- Graphic Phasor Diagram